Montgomery County Easter Seals Down Payment Program for 2023
Builders, REALTORS®, Lenders, and other Housing Professionals came together and were able to bless many families. The following statistics reflect the success of the Montgomery County Down Payment program for 2023.
28 families purchased their first home with Montgomery County HOME fund assistance
A total of $352,800 of HOME funds dispensed
Mortgage loans totaling $4,684,331 granted
Average Loan - $167,297.54
Total borrower’s cash invested $131,052.58
Average monthly housing payment $1,400.66
Mortgage payment range - $1,099.73 to $2,216.34
Average interest rate 6.04%
Interest Rate range – 4.2% to 7.75%
Purchase price of the home ranged from $ 134,000 to $253,000
Average purchase price $173,145.93
Average appraised value of property $ 180,003.21
Total appraised value of properties - $5,040,090
Total loans + private funds + HOME funds - $5,287,767.39
Homebuyer family household income ranged from $ 26,432.14 to $ 72,471
Homebuyer ranged in age from 23 to 67
Household income range from $39,907 to $69,442, with 2 household members
Average annual property tax $ 3,455.56
Number of Properties Purchased in the following Zip Codes:
The partnership with this down payment program and first time home buyers has not only been invaluable in providing homeownership opportunities, but also appreciating assests to low-income households. The Easter Seals Program has been a pivotal component to building generational wealth through homeownership.